In psychology, there is a concept known as the transitional object, developed by Donald Winnicott, a specialist in children’s pediatrics and psychology. He introduced the term of a fairly good mother to describe a mother who fully adapts to her infant’s needs. As the child grows, the mother decreases her degree of adaptation.
What does “transitional object” mean? With “transition”, Donald Winnicott means any approachable piece of fabric — a part of a sheet or blanket that the baby approaches with his or her face. The mother can also provide her child with such a transitional object — for instance, a natural fiber doll, e.g. a Waldorf cuddle doll. In the early stages of infant’s life, the mother is closely connected to her child, creating the illusion that the breast is a part of them and is under their magical control.

Also, it’s mother’s goal to gradually break this illusion. The transitional object, the lovely doll, is a symbol of the breast. It serves to replace mother or her breast. It simplifies the process of weaning; however, you should introduce the cuddle doll to the infant in advance to build gentle object relationship.
I had held the doll close to my breast several times while breastfeeding before giving the lovely doll to my daughters. It had helped to absorb my scent.
The child declares his or her rights to own this particular object, the сuddledoll, and we acknowledge these rights. The сuddledoll becomes their valuable possession and even property!

Waldorf сuddle doll is a great supportive measure during infant’s sleep time. It gives comfort when feeling lonely and sad and also protects against anxiety, especially when the mother isn’t around.
The cuddle doll is appropriate for kids of 4-12 months old. Take the lovely doll along with you on walks or trips.
The child holds the cuddle doll tenderly and treats it with love.
Find your a Waldorf cuddle doll